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Who Was Matthew Shepard?

Matthew was born on December 1, 1976 in Casper, Wyoming. He was the oldest son of Judy Peck Shepard and Dennis Shepard. At around midnight on October 6, young Matthew was taken from a bar by two other young men to a place about a mile outside of Laramie. Once there, these men took him out to a split-rail fence, mercilessly beat him with a pistol, tortured him, then tied him up onto the fence, and left him for dead. He was found late the next day at 6:22 p.m. by a two bikers, some 18 hours after the brutal attack. When the bikers first saw Matthew tied to the fence, they thought that what they saw a scarecrow, but realized that it was a person. Matthew remained in a coma until Monday, October 12, when he left this world at 12:53 a.m. with his family at his bedside.

After graduation from high school, Matthew attended Catawba College in Salisbury, North Carolina, and Casper College. He had also attended some high school in Switzerland. He then moved to Denver, where he worked several jobs. He was attending the University of Wyoming, with a major in political science and foreign relations with a minor in languages. He was fluent in three languages. He enjoyed the theater and had parts in several Casper College and Stage III Theater plays. In addition he was very active in politics and campaigned for several candidates and held a sincere concern for human rights. He was selected as the student representative for the Wyoming Environmental Council. He enjoyed several sports including soccer, swimming, running, camping, hunting, fishing and snow skiing, in addition to his interests in dancing and theater.

On March 16, 2002, NBC aired a movie about Matthew. For further information about Matthew and the ongoing work against hate crimes, please visit The Matthew Shepard  Foundation.

From Matthew's Father, Dennis Shepard

"A person as caring and loving as our son Matt would be overwhelmed by what this incident has done to the hearts and souls of people around the world. Matthew was the type of person that if this had happened to another person, would have been the first on the scene to offer his help, his hope and his heart."

Clip1 of Dennis Shepard's Comments (152 K)
Clip2 of Dennis Shepard's Comments (308 K)

My Personal Comments About This Tragedy

Since his death in October, 1998, attention about the brutal murder of this young gay student has been spread across the nation and the world. What his untimely and violent death has made all of us realize is just how far hatred and fear of those different than ourselves has gone. I too have been deeply moved by this story, and the tragic tale that it has told. It has touched me even more since he died on my birthday, October 12.

I did not know this young man, however, through many news articles, and visits to memorial web sites, I feel as though he was a dear friend, or even a brother. It appears as though he was a very intelligent, gentle, peaceful soul that shed much joy and light into the lives of those who knew him. This does not seem like someone who would likely experience such a horrible fate, except for one thing. He was gay.

We have come to realize that increasingly, if you do not fit the accepted norm with regard to what many in society feel is acceptable, you are singled out, and very possibly persecuted for it.

All of us in this country must do what we can to help end the violence, hatred and fear that fills so many human hearts. What has happened to love and compassion? What has happened to human understanding and the decency to respect all of life, especially a human life?

'An Angel with new wings, in a place a world away, can once again begin to sing, God took him in his arms today'..

'Matty, I love you with all of my heart. I wish you only you how much. You'll be happier with this brand new start, the World's heart you have touched."

Megan Shepard

"Probably one of the most gentle people I've ever met in my life

He was intelligent, he loved to sit and talk about politics

'He had an absolute love of international affairs. He was very open to people. He was just like any person's son."

Walter Boulden

My thoughts and feelings on this tragedy are still coming out, and there may be more that I will have to say as the time goes on. However, as I write this, I continue to be deeply saddened and moved. I feel so very sad for Matt's family and friends, but also for our country, and humanity in general, because I believe that we are all part of one another, and when we loose someone like this young man, who was just starting his life, we all loose a part of ourselves. Indeed, we have lost much!

On February 7, 1999, Dennis and Judy Shepard were interviewed on Dateline NBC. The depth of their pain and grief was etched into their faces, and just seeing this, and hearing them share further details about their son and his senseless murder just made me feel the deep sadness about this tragedy all over again. I feel the same way as Mrs. Shepard when she stated "I cannot comprehend how anyone could do such a thing as this...". I myself cannot possibly begin to comprehend the mind of anyone who would do such a thing to anyone. It just makes no sense to me. I also have the deepest sympathy for Mr. and Mrs. Shepard. Their son's death has become so publicized that they have not even had time to grieve themselves. On top of their son's death, they have to deal with all of this publicity which neither of them asked for.

The Shepards have since set up their own memorial web site for Matthew. Please visit
Matthew's Place for additional links and resources. Also, please visit the Stop Hate , a website devoted to helping to educate and examine ideas on how to end hate motivated violence.

My feelings about this tragedy are still very strong, yet as a result of this, so many lives changed, including mine. For me it is even less likely that I will forget this event, because my own birthday falls on the day that Matthew died. His mother, Judy Shepard, has said that he was "just a young man in search of his life", yet somehow he was still very special, and though I never met him, I still feel that this is so. As the years roll by, let us never forget this tragic event, and how it has touched so many individuals.

The trial is now over. The two men who murdered him are now behind bars, each serving two consecutive life sentences without parole. This chapter of a very tragic tale has now closed. Yet, how many other unknown victims have met similar fates as did Matthew? This only shows us that we have so very far to go to end this kind of hatred and violence against people who are seen as "different" from the majority. Let us never forget Matthew and what happened to him, or his courageous parents who despite their grief, managed to face the public and fight not only for justice, but for the cause of ending hate related violence. We may lose some battles, but we must not lose this war!

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The following is an extract from the statement from Matthew's parents read by Rulon Stacey, president and CEO of Poudre Valley Health System, to members of the media waiting outside the hospital at 6 p.m. October 10. Matthew was in a critical condition, fighting for his life.

"Matthew is a very special person, and everyone can learn important lessons from his life. All of us who know Matthew see him as he is, a very kind and gentle soul. He is a strong believer in humanity and human rights. He is a trusting person who takes everybody at face value and he does not see the bad side of anyone. "

"His one intolerance is when people don,t accept others as they are. He has always strongly felt that all people are the same regardless of their sexual preference, race or religion. "

"We know he believes that all of us are part of the same family called Humanity, and each and everyone of us should treat all people with respect and dignity, and that each of us has the right to live a full and rewarding life. That is one lesson which we are very certain he would share with you, if he could. "

"Matthew also feels strongly about family. He is a loving son, brother and grandson who has made our own lives much richer and fuller than what we would have experienced without him. "

"Matthew,s life has often been a struggle in one way or another. He was born prematurely, and he struggled to survive as an infant. He is physically short in stature but we believe he is a giant when it comes to respecting the worth of others. We know that he thinks if he can make one person,s life better in this world, then he has succeeded. That is a measure of success which Matthew has always pursued. "

From what I have gleaned about this young man,
Mr. Matthew Wayne Shepard was a kind and gentle spirit as we all
should strive to be. May his short life be an inspiration to us all

Light a candle for Matthew, and keep it ever burning in your heart

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Created by D. W. Lehning on October 26, 1998
Updated December 21, 2009